Modern World Hub is one of the Quadri-hubs (Women's Power Hub- Web Promotion Hub- Modern World Hub- Sports Power Hub) of Dr K N Bastola, reflecting his encyclopedic work 'Women's Power: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future: Femocracy' that discusses about the past, present and future of mankind, in a single volume containing 150 subjects.

women power book women empowerment

Womens Power Book

Sunday 15 September 2013

The Syrian Problem And How To Solve It

Almost as victory after victory, while fragmenting Ottoman Empire, Europeans lessened the power of Muslims; converting Umma loyalty to nation loyalty they weakened Islam itself. Like workers of the world unite, although transcending borders Bath party almost seemed to reverse it, being lesser believers in Allah, it hit Islam more. Adding fuel to fire, the made-stable minority government was designed to make sure weakness remained static and arms sales increased for its defence. Seeing influence and cash, Russia descended from the North and China saw something good in the west.

Monday 22 July 2013

Jinnah's House Destroyed By Militants: Did Jinnah Fathom It Coming When He Created Pakistan?

The destruction of the house of Baba Quam (Father of the Nation) of Pakistan, M. A. Jinnah, is indeed sad but not a surprise. That's because its seed was sown in India long before Pakistan even saw the light of the day.

State of the Indian State: Scant Thinkers Two Corruptions And Three Epidemics: Solving Those and Making It a World Leader

Almost parallel to it being serially and as a matter of fact(ly) ruled by the Muslims, British, Marxists and then by globalisation, Mark Twain's favourite country, India, that according to western pundits was destined to doom after freedom through its 'polytheism' as opposed to Pakistan with its monotheism, finally came up with 'India shining'.

Monday 10 June 2013

Rape Epidemic: Causes, Facilitators, Types, Epidemiology and Prevention of This Modern Disease

 Although we are Homo sapiens as a species, we are not homogeneous. It is often said ‘Man is what he thinks’. While it is these thoughts that make men feel like raping--like the making of other thoughts--there are many factors that influences their actions.

Monday 3 December 2012

Has Humanity Failed? Do We Need The Fear Of God To Keep Us Civilized And Happy?

Although Renaissance enriched and enhanced religions, rigid Reformation that followed fragmented its unity. Even though latter enhanced blind faith, using logics to expose The Church it surprisingly gave way to logic on matters mundane. Stretching logic science suddenly emerged as Enlightenment saw the light of the day. While Right of Man gave commoner the right to make social laws with logic that lessened divine social laws, Freud’s making of science out of sex lessened divine sexual laws. While state’s non preference for one church- secularism - hurt state’s support for religion, Darwin’s preference for historic skeletons hurt support for God itself. With era of ‘good news’ changing to era of logic, as if asserting ‘It’s a cash orientated society’, faith grabbed a bear graph and science the bull.

Sexual Revolution Plus: A Joyous Or Fearful Event For Women In The Developing Countries Like India And Pakistan?

All women are not the same. Some want to have success like men others are simply happy expressing their maternal instincts and duties. While some abhor sex and not really like men, others like them - specially the stars and love sex when stimulated. Others approach men in loving the opposite sex and sex. Although this may be due to genes and upbringing, and is seen even amongst animals, if we were to exclude whoring that is even done by chimps but for trade alone, our females are probably the only animals that can be converted to the last group - lovers of sex.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Freedom of Expression: What Should Limit It And What Shouldn’t?

Although we miss out on the joy of ultrasound enjoyed by bats and crocodiles, we alone can read, speak and write in the animal kingdom. The resulting enhanced expression, not only splits us from the rest - including 98% gene sharing primates - it helps us tame nature and progress. However, almost suggesting ‘It’s one thing to have the ability, it’s quite another to use it’, neither the expression nor the progress has been quick and smooth. As it was restricted by political, socio-religious and personal constraints, more of secrets - our own and of other people - and less of expressions have ruled our history.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Heavy Drinking And Early Deaths Rise Among Elderly People. Can Faith Help?

Alcohol has never been so refined, so glamorous and so popular in our history. The crowned Champaigne even gets an ‘essential’ in Formula One victory celebrations.
While parallel to global warming fresh ones show a rise and rise in price tracing rise in Indian and Chinese affluence that even forms ‘Business is booming’, parallel to old is gold, aging ones, unlike this laptop, trace the price rise of antiques. However, parallel to one asserting ‘If alcohol was found today it would have been a band drug’ the destruction it is causing has no parallels.