Modern World Hub is one of the Quadri-hubs (Women's Power Hub- Web Promotion Hub- Modern World Hub- Sports Power Hub) of Dr K N Bastola, reflecting his encyclopedic work 'Women's Power: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future: Femocracy' that discusses about the past, present and future of mankind, in a single volume containing 150 subjects.

women power book women empowerment

Womens Power Book

Friday 25 April 2014

Why Muslims Should Vote for BJP/Modi for Their Betterment

The Ways of Indian Democracy

Since its partial (dominion) and then later full independence from Great Britain, India luckily has never seen an army rule like by Pakistan. Although, it veered closer to it during Mrs. Indira Gandhi's emergency rule, disliking it, its people eventhrew her out of power. Its impartial and dignified election commission has even brought the recognition ‘largest democracy in the world’.

The Economist Blames Modi and Supports Rahul as Lesser Evil inthe Eve ofthe Indian Election 2014: A Rebuttal

The economist has used its circulation and opinion might, just before the 2014 elections, to influence the Indian voters to vote for Rahul Gandhi - as a lesser of the two evils. As a result of a plan or just a right timing - almost making it a double whammy, it received a heavy Indian media coverage and the consequent intensive reaction.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Kashmir Has Benefited Its Elite: Is Kashmir A Sweet Poison That Pakistan Needs To Deal With?

A country seeded by Sir Iqbal, materialised by Jinnah, made religious by Gen Zia, militarised by America, united by enemy Hindu India and in love with a burning Kashmir, Pakistan, shows more signs of problems than solutions.

1. Religious 2. Political 3. Economic 4. Legal 4. Social 5. Kashmir