Modern World Hub is one of the Quadri-hubs (Women's Power Hub- Web Promotion Hub- Modern World Hub- Sports Power Hub) of Dr K N Bastola, reflecting his encyclopedic work 'Women's Power: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future: Femocracy' that discusses about the past, present and future of mankind, in a single volume containing 150 subjects.

women power book women empowerment

Womens Power Book

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Why The Hindus Revere The Cow and Try to Ban Cow Slaughter And Beef in India

With Swami Vivekananda saying ancient Hindus ate beef, Hindus relishing it's taste today - even owning slaughterhouses - rest seeing it as freedom of eating culinary delicacy and the cow seen as just a four legged animal that gives milk and leather, and even causing a nuisance when old, there seems to be no reason why the dumb animal should be regarded as a mother - let alone worship it or make laws against killing it/eating its flesh in a secular India.
A woman worships a cow near the River Ganges. —AP
Hindu mother cow

Even if the view of the 'rest' is left alone, a cursory look by anybody, at the reasoning given, would make him/her concur with the idea.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Indian Elections 2019: Modi, Rahul Gandhi and the Stockholm Syndrome

Indian national elections have always excited Indians. Because of the visits that Modi did to the different countries in the world and the changes that he brought about in India,  this election is exciting to the international community too. With the opposition parties not quite forming a coalition but accusing one another instead,  this election has no unified challenging candidate against PM Modi.  However, it is these opposition voices that do not let the excitement diminish. With the congress being the only national party and the rest reaching their regional audiences alone, the focus is naturally on the Congress Party and its dynastic leader Mr Rahul Gandhi.