Modern World Hub is one of the Quadri-hubs (Women's Power Hub- Web Promotion Hub- Modern World Hub- Sports Power Hub) of Dr K N Bastola, reflecting his encyclopedic work 'Women's Power: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future: Femocracy' that discusses about the past, present and future of mankind, in a single volume containing 150 subjects.

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Womens Power Book

Monday, 7 November 2016

The American Presidential Elections 2016: Will Hillary or Trump Win in The Social Media And The Main Media Battle?

The Politicking:
                                                                                                                   Donal Trump
Every-day the globally expected election is coming an inch closer. Right from the astrologers, futurologists, politicians, demographers to psychologists all are having a field day offering opinions to their respective audiences. Above all, however, business is booming says the traditional media.  

Almost indicated by 'one week is a long time in politics', politics is a dirty game that does not hesitate to change minds to become friends and foes very quickly. Emotions are high too and clashes   do happen. But then, even if we saw Hilary relaying the advice she got from Michelle Obama, 'Even if they go low you go high', this election campaign has gone really low. A candidate threatening opponent to jail is as low as it got.