Modern World Hub is one of the Quadri-hubs (Women's Power Hub- Web Promotion Hub- Modern World Hub- Sports Power Hub) of Dr K N Bastola, reflecting his encyclopedic work 'Women's Power: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future: Femocracy' that discusses about the past, present and future of mankind, in a single volume containing 150 subjects.

women power book women empowerment

Womens Power Book

Showing posts with label women and power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women and power. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Have Women Contributed to the Formation of Modern Civilization?

Almost ending all discussions, Freud thundered, 'Women can't contribute to civilization'. With there being very little input from the fairer sex in history compared to men, Freud almost got scot free with his statement.

However, with women going through suppression, due to, what the feminists call patriarchy, while it was natural for him to say so, as a reaction, it was not unnatural for feminists to accuse him of being a male chauvinist either. No wonder, the endless clash between feminists and Freudians reminds one of clash of civilizations.